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1966 - 1967 BEECHCRAFT A90 King Air

Twin engine turboprop aircraft with retractable landing gear. The A90 King Air seats up to 9 passengers plus 1 pilot.

View 167 BEECH 90 For Sale

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(as of Jan. 1, 2024):


Market Stats

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Performance specifications


2 x 550 HP

Best Cruise Speed:

216 KIAS

Best Range (i):

1,160 NM

Fuel Burn:

71.0 GPH

Stall Speed:


Rate of climb:

1,900 FPM

Rate of climb (1 engine out):

490 FPM


30,200 FT

Ceiling (1 engine out):

17,700 FT

Takeoff distance:

1,730 FT

Landing distance:

1,250 FT

Takeoff distance over 50ft obstacle:

2,150 FT

Landing distance over 50ft obstacle:

1,960 FT


Gross Weight:

9,300 LBS

Empty Weight:

5,680 LBS

Maximum Payload:

2,976 LBS

Fuel capacity:

384 GAL

Ownership Costs 1966

Total Cost of Ownership:


Total Fixed Cost




Weather service:




Pilot training


Miscellaneous expenses:


Refurbishing and modernization:




Total Variable Cost (74.1 Hrs)
Cost Per Hour = $771.24
Cost Per Mile = $3.57


Fuel cost per hour:
(71.0 gallons/hr @ $5.40/gal)


Oil cost per hour:


Overhaul reserves:


Hourly maintenance:


Misc: landing, parking, supplies,
catering, etc


Engine (x2)


Pratt & Whitney




550 HP

Overhaul (HT):

3,600 Hrs

Also Consider

BEECHCRAFT C90A King Air (1984 - 1992)

Image description

Typical Price: $1,011,217.00
Total Cost of Ownership: $99,529.16
Best Cruise: 240 KIAS ( 24 )
Best Range: 1120 NM ( 40 )
Fuelburn: 71.0 GPH ( 0.0 )

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