Owner's Navigation Center

Claim Your Aircraft

Find and claim your unique aircraft page to make the profile your own and update details visible to the rest of the aviation community. View the price history, incident & accident history, and known avionics currently linked to your plane.

Review Performance Specs

Find your make and model in our indexed aircraft database to view performance specs, engine information, max useful load, cruise speed, and other characteristics.

Model Value / Operating Cost

Each aircraft make and model has its own page, which is searchable in our indexed database, and includes estimates for typical operating costs (both fixed and variable) as well as the most up-to-date fair market price estimates available.

Discover Special Offers

The unique page for your aircraft also includes special offers from the aviation community selected for your make and model, from service vendors to local repair stations to consultants and more.

Connect With the Community

After you’ve claimed your aircraft, check our the community feed where you can explore the other planes that have already been claimed, including images from the current owners. Leave and receive messages from other users right on page.